Selected books (e-books and printed) that were reviewed by Library PTS (Part Time Student Librarian).
Review by Sharon Chong Zi Ching
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1. What I like about the book?
This is a great book to read and they included guidelines, evidence-based statement and paper. A lot of experienced and knowledgeable doctors and specialists share their knowledge and put it into words. This Fifth Edition has also had to take due account of the increasing specialisation in ‘general’ surgery. The rise of minimal access surgery and therapy, and the desire of some subspecialties such as breast and vascular surgery to separate away from ‘general surgery’, may have proved challenging in some countries, but has also served to emphasise the importance of all surgeons being aware of current developments in their surgical field. The eBook versions of the textbook have also allowed the technophile improved access to key data and content within each chapter. They outline the important points and explains it in simple way after a brief explanation.
2. Brief content of the book.
The contents are shown in the pictures. It started with a evidence-based practices explanation which is essential for all physicians and medical students to understand the importance of evidence-based medicine. They also show pictures of ultrasound, mammography and explain on types of diagnostic tool to different approach.
3. Does it suit you or any other programs and why?
It may suit student who are currently in semester 8 and above who are interested at advanced breast surgery. The target audience of this book is trainee and consultant surgeons with a special interest in breast disease, but I believe this book will be valuable to many more groups. Nurses working in breast clinics and operating departments and any doctor involved in breast clinics or the oncological management of breast cancer should find it of great value.
4. Would you recommend this book to your colleagues and why?
I would say it is suitable for semester 8 and above. However, it is always good to read more and search for more information. Different explanations will make you understand it from different perspectives. Those who are interested to become a specialist in this field, it is one of the best book to read up.
Review by Jenifer Kong Sing Ing
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1. What I like about the book?
The book is easy to read and simple to understand. Though it’s a thick book, and may cause your cortisol levels to build up just by looking at the cover; fret not! Cohen’s Pathways of the Pulp is filled with pictures, real cases images and detailed illustrations of the insides of a tooth. So instead of picking up a real teeth and looking into the tooth structure, which is microscopically small, pick up Cohen’s instead. It’s much better for your eyesight. It is a great book for the topic of endodontic in dentistry. Besides talking about the procedures of root canal treatment, the book also mentions about the science and math behind it together with the instruments and materials used in endodontics.
2. Brief content of the book.
Endodontics is a dental field which focus on high precision and details. So you can expect how detailed, well-structured and systematic the content is going to be. Like in a real clinical scenario, the book started off with diagnosis and clinical examination of a tooth, which is a fundamental requirement and initial procedure of a dental checkup. The book continues with the next chapter, which is management of endodontic emergencies and treatment planning. From there onwards, each chapter is for each step of a root canal treatment, together with information and research studies about the materials and instruments used.
3. Does it suit you or any other programs and why?
This book is only suitable for dental students because it is a book that requires technical terms in a dental field and also the fundamental knowledge like tooth anatomy and pulp histology. However, if you are a bookworm and for some unfortunate reasons, you need to undergo a root canal treatment but you have doubts, feel free to pick up this book if the internet is not convincing enough.
4. Would you recommend this book to your colleagues and why?
Yes! Please read up this book because information from the lecture notes are not enough. The book will not only help you in written exams and competencies, but also in the clinics during patient treatment. The book will prepare you mentally. A lecturer once said: “endodontics is easy, because the rules are simple to follow.” Though keep it mind that the rules (a.k.a. procedures) requires precision and accuracy. As long as you read and abide by the rules, it’s game on!
Review by Yow Yu Xiang
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1. What I like about the book?
This book provides a quick yet in-depth explanation and detailed information on almost everything that you need to know in the field of paediatric dentistry.
2. Brief content of the book.
This book has a wide range of topic coverage in the field of paediatric dentistry, including dental development and anomalies, behavioural management, dental health, pulpal therapies, clinical and surgical techniques, trauma, oral medicine and oral pathology, medically compromised and special needs children, and orthodontics.
3. Does it suit you or any other programs and why?
Yes, it is a good read for any dental undergraduates. Other undergraduates may explore into this if interested but it may be too detailed for leisure.
4. Would you recommend this book to your colleagues and why?
Yes, it is a handy book that prepares one well for both theory and clinical knowledge.
Review by Puvaneswari Marappan
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1. What I like about the book?
The visual as well as text approach that is adopted by the author to put forth notes goes hand in hand with each other, whereby they complement each other in ensuring the reader’s complete comprehension. While the book itself is by no means meant for light reading, the contents are presented in a simple yet formal language, which makes for easier understanding.
2. Brief content of the book.
The book provides an overview of fundamental principles and expanding practice of clinical research. Key topics include bioethics, clinical outcome data, cultural diversity, protocol guidelines, “omic” platforms, electronic health records and informational resources for clinical researchers
3. Does it suit you or any other programs and why?
The book is highly recommended for those in the field of in clinical research; students and researchers as well as physicians and members of medical professions.
4. Would you recommend this book to your colleagues and why?
I would, without a doubt, recommend this book to my course mates as well as colleagues as it contains expert opinions from around the globe. Moreover, I find the examples and suggestions provided in this book are indeed practical and hands-on, made more fascinating by the accompanying illustrations.

Review by Ho Jan Yang
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1. What I like about the book?
I like that this book is designed specifically to train general dentists in single implant dentistry, a very viable treatment option in contemporary practice. Its degree of difficulty is acceptable for an undergraduate dental student, which is remarkable given that implant dentistry derives from a lot of discipline namely oral surgical, periodontic and prosthodontic field. The information provided in the book Is very detailed but yet concise. Implant has a lot of functions in today’s dentistry, but this book trains its readers solely in the procedure of getting the single implant and associated restoration done. Hence, it is a very good entry level book for implant dentistry. Moreover, there are only 11 chapters of the book, hence it is not too convoluted for quick understanding. Every chapter builds the foundation required for the comprehension of succeeding chapters. Thus, the structure of the book is yet another point that I would like to highlight to potential readers.
2. Brief content of the book.
The title aptly summarized the book in a nutshell. Simply put, it describes general oral surgical principles given that implant involves manipulation of both soft and hard tissue, the criteria of implant placement and ways to choose the right implant for the right operative site, implant site preparation, the indications and contraindications of bone grafts and the current bone substitute materials available in the market, tooth extraction techniques that are conducive to subsequent implant placement, guided bone regeneration to optimize osseointegration of the dental implant , pros and cons and indications for immediate implant placement, surgical defects following implant placement, single-tooth esthetic considerations and implant maintenance guidelines. What’s more, all the information available is based on current best available evidence. Thus, this book walks the readers from the beginning of the treatment decision process till the very end, which entails periodic recall maintenance.
3. Does it suit you or any other programs and why?
I think the group that would benefit most from this book is the post-graduate student of Implant Dentistry in IMU. The syllabus of their program is pretty much to learn and practice the contents of this book. It is invaluable for them to peruse this book prior to beginning clinical practice in the Oral Health Centre as this book not only bolster their foundation knowledge into the underlying principles of dental implant, but also covers the exact steps in performing said clinical work in real life. That being said, undergraduate dental students can also benefit from reading this book. Dental implant has become a viable treatment alternative in a lot of clinical situations, and being trained to be a general dentists entails sound knowledge of implant dentistry. We might not be able to perform the procedure of placing an implant, but this treatment option should always be presented to the patient under the right conditions.
4. Would you recommend this book to your colleagues and why?
Yes, I would recommend this book to my senior students currently pursuing the post-graduate implant course. This is because this book is basically a walkthrough of a comprehensive implant course for beginners. Thus this is an indispensable reading tool for their education. I would also advocate this book to the semester 8 and 10 students so that they would understand the indications and contraindications of dental implants and be able to provide such a treatment option to the patients under the right circumstances. This would benefit the patients too and quality of dental care and consequently, patient comfort and satisfaction would be increased as well. In fact, this book is written with the target audience being endodontists and general dentists. The aforementioned post-graduate and senior level undergraduate students fall under the later category.

Review by Nor Heidi Izzat Bin Nor Azman
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1. What I like about the book?
Oxford Handbook of Emergency Medicine is one of the popular small size pocket book that medical students would like especially the one that is in clinical phase. The fact that this is an ebook really helps a lot when it is easy to navigate through the content and even we can access it in our devices as long we have a connection by using the database. This book is full with contents that is crucial for the fast dependent department such as emergency department and hence all the most common and crucial contents are put together inside this one book. The fact that we can toggle around from one content to another that varies from trauma, life threatening emergencies and ways to approach it and even general approach towards an emergency case is really helpful. Throughout the content also, the book also specifically list common complains of an emergency case and therefore there are a long list of cases that we can choose for as a references and also for our guide. It is also complete with the history of that specific emergency case, the physical examination that we will find or even the one that we should find in order to confirm the diagnosis. Investigation approach and the treatment/management of these specific cases are also being listed up.
2. Brief content of the book.
The content of this book are divided into specific specialities for example, internal medicine, infectious diseases, trauma, surgery, paediatric and many more. It goes with specific specialities on how we going to approach specific cases and it is full with guidelines and also facts. This book also provides practical, accessible guidelines on a huge range of situations that present to the emergency department. It gives up-to-date step-by-step advice on presentation, investigation, diagnosis, emergency treatment and further referral for adult and paediatric patients.
3. Does it suit you or any other programs and why?
As a medical student myself, i find that it benefits me because it helps me to get the precise information when i need it and can be use as the guidelines. It is also a great learning tool in such a way that it is full with situations and cases that are commonly present in an emergency. With all the guidelines and step by step references, it could provide me specific infos and how to plan for their management accordingly.
4. Would you recommend this book to your colleagues and why?
Definitely! Because this book will save a lot of our time in order for us to get important inputs and facts regarding a specific condition. And the fact that a specific case that is presented in this book also comes with other relevant information like the examinations , investigations and management of the treatments really help a lot for my colleagues to cope with any emergency situations.
Printed books (reviews are through
Review by Tan Ying Jie
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Review by Elaine Kueh Yue Yi
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