Dear all,
We are pleased to announce that the Library has purchased 15 titles of new e-books from ProQuest EBook Central. Kindly click the titles below to access the books:
No. |
Title |
Edition |
Year |
Subject |
1 |
Food Processing and Preservation
Technology: Advances, Methods, and Applications |
1st ed. |
2022 |
Food-Quality. Food Science Innovation; Food Preservation
Technology |
2 |
1st ed. |
2023 |
processing. Food-Sensory
evaluation-Data processing. Food Science Innovation; Applications of Sensory
Science and Consumer Testing Principles |
3 |
Methods in Consumer Research,
Volume 1: New Approaches to Classic Methods |
1st ed. |
2018 |
Consumers-Research-Methodology. Food Science Innovation; Consumer Testing Methods |
4 |
1st ed. |
2021 |
Neurosciences. Food Science Innovation; Foundation of Sensory
Science |
5 |
Dairy Fat Products and
Functionality: Fundamental Science and Technology |
1st ed. |
2020 |
Fat. Food Science Innovation; Dairy Technology |
6 |
5th ed. |
2020 |
Food-Sensory evaluation Food Science Innovation; Food Characterisation,
Formulation Technology, and Sensory Evaluation |
7 |
2nd ed. |
2022 |
Food supply. Food Science Innovation; International Food Law |
8 |
1st ed. |
2023 |
Cereal products. Cereal products industry. Food Science Innovation; Cereal and Legume
Technology |
9 |
1st ed. |
2022 |
Functional foods. Food Science Innovation; Innovation in Functional
Foods, Nutraceuticals and Supplements |
10 |
1st ed. |
2022 |
Marketing. Food Science Innovation; Innovative Food Product
Design and Development in Industry |
11 |
International Food Law: How Food
Law Can Balance Health, Environment and Animal Welfare |
1st ed. |
2021 |
Environmental protection. Food Science Innovation; International Food Law |
12 |
Research Methodology in Food Sciences: Integrated Theory and Practice |
1st ed. |
2018 |
Food science-Research. Food-Analysis. Food Science Innovation; Research Method and
Scientific Communication |
13 |
1st ed. |
2019 |
Food-Quality Food Science Innovation; Introduction to Land Use
Environment and Regenerative Agriculture |
14 |
1st ed. |
2018 |
Food industry and
trade-Technological innovations. Food Science Innovation; Food Process Engineering
and Technology |
15 |
1st ed. |
2023 |
Problem solving. Food Science Innovation; Critical Thinking in
Innovation |
There are more e-books available within the Library
portal from ProQuest eBook Central. To access them, click no. 19 in this link:
hope these titles will help you with your learning, teaching, and research
activities. Kindly contact any of the Librarians should you need any
assistance in using these resources.
Thank you.