Wednesday 5 April 2017

Library Online Quiz Week 2

Dear all,

Don’t forget to try Library Online Quiz #2 this week (4th – 7th Apr 2017)

It is only ONE question and  you only have ONE attempt to answer.
You’ll get instant feedback whether you answered it right or wrong. We provide simple explanation for you and the source of reference for you to read further. 

As I mentioned in my email last week, you need to cumulate your correct answers. One correct answer will entitle you to A STAR. We will count how many stars you have collected at the end of Week 39th and will announce  the winners (3 winners) to receive a token of appreciation during Learning Resources Festival in October 2017.  Should there be more than 3 winners, we will send another set of question to them (only) for final qualification.

Everything is from the e-books we subscribe and we hope you’ll benefit more from our expensive subscription.

Log on to the e-learn portal to participate: or  Library Quiz

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