Monday, 11 August 2014

Using self-checkout machine - Borrow Library books

Do you know that IMU Library in Bukit Jalil has a self-checkout machine? This machine can be used by any library users to borrow and renew their library books without having to go through the transactions at the Library Circulation Counter. The machine is interlinked with the Library's i-loc which means any transaction through the machine will be captured in the system.

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The machine. Looks hi-tech isn't it?

In this entry, we will share with you the step-by-step guide on how to use the machine to borrow library book(s):

Step 1 - Enter ID:

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Select Enter ID to begin using the machine. Make sure you remember your i-loc ID and password.

Step 2 - Select [ ]:

Next, select [ ] symbol. This is vital as most student ID begins with alphabet in capital letter. 
Example: ME123456789
Beginning of 2014 enrollment, students' ID will only be in numeric.
Example: 00000012345.

Step 3 -Key in ID:

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Enter student ID and select ENTER. Please make sure the ID is in capital letter (for students enroll before year 2014). If you are unable to log in, please refer to Library Circulation Counter.

Step 4 - Key in i-loc Password:

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Please use your current i-loc password. During Information Literacy session in the first semester, students were informed to change their default password to their own desired password. If you face difficulties in remembering your password, please refer to Library Circulation Counter.

Step 5 - Scan book barcode:

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The book barcode is usually pasted at its title page (the first 2-3 pages). Each book will be designated to its own unique barcode to differentiate the book with other copies.

Step 6 - Print receipt:

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The next step would be printing the transaction receipt. 

Step 7 - Collect receipt:

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Library users are required to keep the transaction receipt as proof of transaction. Overdue details such as due date and due time will be printed on the receipt, thus library users are required to return / renew the book(s) by the due date and before the due time.

That's all. In just seven simple steps, you are able to use the machine to borrow Library books.

Our next entry regarding the machine will be "Using self-checkout machine - Renewing Library books"

Stay tuned.

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