Friday, 27 March 2020

Free COVID19 Resources

Dear all,

The Library has compiled several free COVID19 resources which are made available through the main page of the Library portal: Resources compiled were from publishers such as McGraw-Hill, BMJ, Thieme and many more.
Other than that, we also have included an e-book by Zhejiang University School of Medicine related to the virus.

Feel free to access the resources from your end.

Thank you and stay safe everyone.

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Update: Extension of book loans from 18 March - 15 April 2020

Dear all,

Please be informed that all your loaned book(s) will be automatically extended until 15 April 2020 due to the extension of the movement rules.
Hence, please ignore the auto generated email reminder send to you.

You are most welcome to contact us at at any time should you need further clarification or assistance.

Please stay home, stay safe and stay updated.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Wednesday, 25 March 2020


Dear all,

Please be informed that with the Government’s announcement on the Movement Control Order from 18 March (Wednesday) to 14 April (Tuesday) 2020, the University and IMU libraries are closed during this period.

Library users are encouraged to utilize the online resources (e-books, e-journals and databases) which are accessible via the library portal:

Please do not hesitate to contact us at should you need further assistance.

Please stay safe.

Thank you.

Free e-textbook by Elsevier

Dear all,

Please be informed that during this COVID19 pandemic, Elsevier publication has given us free access to their 102 titles of e-textbook. The textbooks consist of Medical and Allied Health subjects related to Anatomy, Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Pathology and others. Some are old publication but some are fairly new too. You can view the full title list here:

You may access these e-textbook via Science Direct platform which is available in the library portal (listed no. 22):

Take note that these free e-textbooks are only made available during the COVID19 pandemic and the publisher has the rights to remove them at any time later. Hence, we strongly encourage you to take this opportunity to access and optimally use it.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at should you need further assistance.

Thank you and stay safe everyone.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Educator for Complete Anatomy - TRIAL

Dear all,

Please be informed that Educator for Complete Anatomy is currently on trial and accessible via the library portal:
The trial is available until 30 April 2020.

This database is developed by Elsevier which includes over 1,500 audio and visual recordings of medical and anatomical topics, made by academic experts, and ready to assist you for your Anatomy & Physiology subjects . This platform also includes over 2,000 pre-set dissections called Screens for your learning material which can be edited to suit your needs.

Simply download free version of Complete Anatomy (available on iPad, iPhone, Mac, Windows, Android) and login with the given username and password available in the above url.

We appreciate you to fully utilize this resources whilst it is available and please provide feedback to Maria Mahamood by emailing her at

Thank you.

McGraw-Hill - AccessMedicine COVID-19 Central

Dear all,

Please be informed that McGraw-Hill (MGH) has created an AccessMedicine COVID-19 Central on AccessMedicine Network:

AccessMedicine COVID-19 Central contains all new and updated information around the globe related to COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic. This includes relevant Clinical Information, Risk Assessment and Prevention and Quarantine information.

Feel free to access the platform by clicking the above URL.

Please do not hesitate to email us at should you need further assistance.

Thank you and stay safe everyone.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Extension of book loans from 18 - 31 March 2020

Dear all,

Please be informed that the library is extending your borrowing period until 1st April 2020 due to current situation of the restricted movement rules.
Hence, please ignore the auto generated email reminder send to you from now until we put back everything in order.

You are most welcome to contact us at at any time should you need further clarification or assistance.

Please stay safe.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Dear all,

Please be informed that with the Government’s announcement on the Movement Control Order from 18 March (Wednesday) to 31 March (Tuesday) 2020, the University and IMU libraries are closed during this period.

Library users are encouraged to utilize the online resources (e-books, e-journals and databases) which are accessible via the library portal:

Please do not hesitate to contact us at should you need further assistance.

Please stay safe.

Thank you.

Monday, 16 March 2020

New e-books available from ScienceDirect e-book

Dear All,

We are pleased to announce that the Library has purchased 7 titles of new e-books from ScienceDirect E-Books. Kindly click the titles below to access the books:

There are more ScienceDirect Online books available in the Library portal. To access them, click no. 22 in this page:

We hope these titles will help you with your learning, teaching and research activities. Kindly contact any of the Librarians should you need any assistance in using these resources.

Thank you.


Dear all,

Please be informed that IMU Libraries operating hours for all campuses will be as follow from 17 – 22 March 2020:

Thank you.

Monday, 9 March 2020

New e-books available from Wiley Online Library

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce that the Library has purchased 6 titles of new e-books from Wiley Online Library E-Books. Kindly click the titles below to access the books :

There are more Wiley Online books available in the Library portal. To access them, click no. 27 in this page:

We hope these titles will help you with your learning, teaching and research activities. Kindly contact any of the Librarians should you need any assistance in using these resources.

Thank you.