Tuesday, 31 July 2018


Participate and stand a chance to win prizes!!!

Click here for more information / registration: http://elearnzone.imu.edu.my/lrf/2018/

You can also view selected photos from previous annual events by clicking the links below:

i. IMU Library Week 2014
ii. Learning Resources Festival 2015
iii. Learning Resources Festival 2016
iv.  Learning Resources Festival 2017

See you there! 

Friday, 20 July 2018

Reaxys database is now on trial

Dear all,

Please be informed that Reaxys database is now available on trial from 20th July 2018 – 19th August 2018.

You can access the platform by clicking this link or click Trials under Online tab in the Library portal: http://i-lib.imu.edu.my

The demonstration in utilizing the platform will be held as below:

Date: 24th July 2018 (Tuesday)
Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Venue: IMU Library Bukit Jalil Computer Area
Presenter: Mr. Raymond Teng from Elsevier

To those interested in attending the demonstration, please email to RazmanShahRazali@imu.edu.my

Thank you.

Friday, 6 July 2018

New e-books available from Wiley

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce that the Library has purchased 11 titles of new e-books from Wiley. Kindly click the titles below to access the books:

There are more Wiley books available in the Library portal. To access them, click no. 25 in this page: http://i-lib.imu.edu.my/NewPortal/index.php/online/e-books

We hope these titles will help you with your learning, teaching and research activities. Kindly contact any of the Librarians should you need any assistance in using these resources.

Thank you.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

IIUM Library visit to IMU Library

On 3rd July 2018, IMU Library Bukit Jalil received a visit from IIUM Library.

Below, photos taken from the visit: