Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Database Review by Library PTS (Part Time Student Librarian) - Primal Picture: Utilizing the Database

Review by Damia Faiqah Mohamad Shahbodin
Click the image above to access the database

1. Which feature(s) I like the most about the database?
For the first picture, it shows the main page of the Primal Picture. From there, you can pick any body systems you prefer or to study with.  

Available topics

Information provided in the topic (Endocrine System)

Currently, I am in Semester 3, so for our last system is Endocrine System. This is main page when you pick a system from the main page. On your left, they list all the topics that related and the features that I like is on the right, where they elaborate more about the topics for example in introduction, they explained anatomy and physiology. In that section, they also put picture of the organ’s cells and you can click the picture and have a better view of microanatomy.

Interactive mode

This is also one of the features that I like in Primal Picture. I can view the organ structure easily and also can rotate any sides so that I can see the whole organ with any angle using the tools at the middle. I also can save pictures.

2. Has the database benefit you in your learning process? 
Yes, this database is really helpful for me as I can study the anatomy part easily and also besides than anatomy and physiology, they even provide information regarding aging and clinical studies. For example, in endocrine system, there are Cushing syndrome, Addison disease and such. They overview the disease, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. This is really helpful especially during exams for revision.
This picture shows a version when you download it as PDF.

3. Does the database suit you or any other programs and why?
This database really suits me and other cohorts such as dentistry, pharmacy for better understanding with the anatomy of our body. All information about the systems are listed down from anatomy, physiology, clinical studies and also they provide case studies and model quiz for revision.

4. Would you recommend this database to your colleagues and why? 
I will recommend this database to my colleagues as it is very beneficial in helping us to understand more about the body systems. During PBL, we can use this database for our anatomy and physiology learning outcome. However, for treatment, the information is just briefly and not suitable for pharmacology studies

Database Review by Library PTS (Part Time Student Librarian) - Using Science Direct to Retrive Articles and Access ebooks

Review by Muhamad Faizzuddin Mohd Razali
Click the image above to access the database

1. Which feature(s) I like the most about the database?
a)    One of the interesting about this database is that Science direct offer you with an open access which mean you can get the article for free. All articles in open access journals which are published by Elsevier have undergone peer review and upon acceptance are immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download.

 Type of access

b)    Advance search allows you to find your articles efficiently as you can either narrow or broaden your keyed in titles to get you to appropriate articles.

Advance Search page

c)    Get your own E-book from Sciencedirect and select your desire book ranges from health sciences book and others.

  Subscribed e-books (indicated by green colour icon)

 You can always pick the subtopic that you prefered by simply clicking the PDF icon!
 Downloadable chapters in PDF

This chapter discuss important thing that is important in the clinical setting:
  1. Review the basic safety guidelines and principles in the hospital setting for the physical therapist and the patient
  2. Discuss the multisystem effects of prolonged bed rest that can occur with hospitalization and the relevant physical therapy considerations
  3. Review the unique characteristics of and patient response(s) to the intensive care unit
  4. Review briefly alcohol abuse and alcohol withdrawal syndrome
  5. Discuss end-of-life issues and palliative care concepts

2.  Has the database benefit you in your learning process?
Its provides me a thorough information regarding the articles under article outline such as publication, journal title, abstract, and I can easily click on the image provided to get me to the explanation of the images. Thus this database make my work easy to deal with my research project.

Image extracted from the article

3. Does the database suit you or any other programs and why?
Definitely, Science Direct database is applicable for my course chiropractic and other health sciences courses. Its contents are multidisciplinary ranging from foundational science to new and novel research. Its features of wide selection of Life Sciences  articles from vase journals and book chapters depicting original research, insightful discovery, current theory and more. This will helps future health care providers to contribute extrapolated ideas and theory in improving patient care worldwide.

4. Would you recommend this database to your colleagues and why?

I will certainly recommend this database to other colleagues and all IMU students particularly those who taking health sciences programme because it is very useful in helping us to comprehend many modules that consist throughout our courses such as physiology, radiology, microbiology, etc. . In fact, students can always use Science Direct database anywhere through your mobile as now you can download a convenient  IMU Library apps via Playstore https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=imu.mylibrary&hl=en  and make your PBL session academically more interesting and efficient.

Book Reviews by Library PTS (Part Time Student Librarian)

Selected books (e-books and printed) that were reviewed by Library PTS (Part Time Student Librarian).

 Review by Bernadette Tune Xin Jie
 Click the book cover to access the e-book

1. What I like about the book?
The book provides useful content for the fundamentals of medical microbiology. It is also easily understood with plenty of examples and illustrations. The use of graphics like tables, makes learning easier. A wide range of topics are covered, ranging from the fundamentals of microbiology to important clinical diagnosis methods. A total of 48 chapters are discussed and contents are updated from time to time. It is also a good source for references for practical reports in microbiology related fields. Since this is an e-book, it can be accessed anywhere. Furthermore, the chapters in this book are available for printing.

2. Brief content of the book.
Contents of the book mainly revolve around the types of microbes encountered in medical microbiology, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. In each section, common types of microorganisms are discussed in detail. Photographs, pictures, and other graphical elements visually help with learning and understanding. Simple and basic knowledge on microbiology, like microbe growth, cultivation, and isolation, are covered, making this book helpful for those in the early semesters. More advanced and specific topics or chapters focusing on specific types of microbes are useful for those in the higher semesters. All in all, this book is extremely helpful for those taking microbiology related modules.

3. Does it suit you or any other programs and why?

In semester 2 of Medical Biotechnology, the students will be dealing with a lot of different microorganisms. This book does help in revision, referencing or simply for further reading. Furthermore, concepts regarding dilution, plating methods, microorganism cultivation and isolation are addressed in this book. Other programmes that might benefit from this book include Biomedical Science, and Medicine. Again, the use of images can help in learning and understanding lectures. Medicine students can gain better understanding through diagnostic methods, and diseases caused by the pathogenic microbes.

4. Would you recommend this book to your colleagues and why?
I strongly recommend this book to my colleagues due to frequent excuses of not being able to find a good referencing source to do medical microbiology practical reports. Other benefits include further reading for better understanding on the topics discussed in lectures. Pictures in the book can also help in detecting characteristics of the microbes in agar plates, or common sign and symptoms caused by a certain pathogenic microbe. Memorising facts can also be made easy with the various visual aid provided in the book.

 Review by Chua Hoe Wei
 Click the book cover to access the e-book

1. What I like about the book?
The content in this book is arranged according to the systems it pertains to which allows easy navigation and search of its content. The content of the book is very comprehensive and elaborative. The language used is also quite basic. To accompany each topic, an illustrative diagram, graph or picture is present in full colours for further explanation and understanding. The topics in the book is also explained from the basic points up to how each individual component or particle fits into the bigger picture of the system of chain of events in which it is involved in. Important terms are also marked in bold which attracts further attention to the text.

2. Brief content of the book.
As its name suggests, the book contains information on human physiology which is the study of the basic processes and components vital to human survival. Divided into 13 main chapters including the appendix as the last chapter. Each broad chapter is then broken down into more specific headings under each chapter pertaining to important processes or molecules within the scope of the chapter.

3. Does it suit you or any other programs and why?
This book suits the use of any program that places importance in the human physiology. Most of the content is quite basic and can be applied to what many of us here in IMU will be studying particularly early in the program when the foundation of each program is still being laid. Being in the chiropractic program definitely makes this book useful to me for understanding how muscles function as well understanding inflammation and the myriad of functions essential for human healing. Anyone in the medical, dentistry and pharmacy program to name a few will also find use for this book.

4. Would you recommend this book to your colleagues and why?
Yes I would recommend this book to my colleagues. This book explains its content quite well and thoroughly which helps me understand better the role of each component in the bigger picture of the systems and processes they are involved in. I also find the visual aids in the format of diagrams, charts and others very assistive when helping to put the pieces together when trying to visualize the processes and how they fit together to carry out their functions.

 Review by Elaine Kueh Yue Yi
 Click the book cover to access the e-book

1.  What I like about the book?
I think the book is very comprehensive, especially when studying for dental units such as Dental Science and Dental Practice. As periodontology is a big part in both units, this book has been very helpful in enabling me to tackle periodontology to its core. It is easy to understand and it provides sufficient information that is needed for a Year 2 dental student’s level of knowledge. I really appreciate the occasional key points listed in tables after certain subtopics of a chapter. Also, the ‘Suggested Reading’ sections after each chapter gave me options to read up more about a particular chapter. Overall I thought that the book was great help to me.

2. Brief content of the book.
The book has been divided systematically into three parts. The first part gives focus to the biological basis of periodontology. This particular section provides detailed-outlines of the normal anatomy of the periodontium, epidemiology, classification, and aetiology of periodontal diseases. The second part focuses on clinical periodontics. It explains about diagnosis, prognosis and treatment planning, as well as management of patients with special needs. This section deals with patients who are medically-compromised, as well as the management of anxious patients and those with aggressive/atypical forms of periodontitis. Lastly, the third part focuses on oral implantology. The information provides a background of peri-implant anatomy, clinical evaluation and diagnostic imaging for the implant patient. Later, implant-related surgical procedures, ranging from basic procedures to the most recent technological advances in implant surgery, are also covered.

3. Does it suit you or any other programs and why?
I find the book very suitable for me as a dental student. I think that it would most definitely suit anyone else who is interested in studying or would like to know more about periodontology, especially dental students and clinicians of all levels. This book provides clear and detailed information about the main aspects of periodontology, detailing it in a logical and precise manner such that one would be able to see the flow of information and understand quickly. Aside from that, the diagrams and pictures strategically provided have helped reinforce the understanding of concepts and information in the book.

4. Would you recommend this book to your colleagues and why?
I would recommend this book to my colleagues, or course-mates in this case. I think that the book will aid them as they study about periodontology in preparation for our final examination.

Review by Fathin Nadhirah Mohamed Shukri
Click the book cover to access the e-book

1. What I like the book?
This book is detailed yet in a straightforward explanation. I like this e-book because whenever I want to go for the content while reading a certain topic, I just need to click on the title of the book on the right corner or click on the book front cover, and it will lead me directly to the list of content. This is convenient as I do not need to flip the thick book just to look for the content. One of the interesting features of this e-book, for each topic, there will be navigation on the left side that helps me to identify briefly what is the topic about.

2. Brief content of the book.
This e–book contains a lot of information regarding the diseases that are related due to physiology blood problems such as Atrial Fibrillation, stroke, embolism, Thrombocytopenia purpura and many more. At the same time, this book also contains a topic about anti-thrombotic drugs and how do the drugs work in the bodies. This book shows in detailed the etiology of each disease which is also associated with the clinical presentation and the diagnosis. It also provides the application of drugs to the related diseases for example the situation that is required to apply warfarin drug to the patients. Plus, there are a few real CT scan images from the real human body to illustrate the actual condition for any diseases.

3.  Does it suit you or any other programs and why?

I think this e-book is suitable for my programme which is bachelor of Pharmacy since it explains in detailed the physiology of the blood in our bodies. Plus, for every disease, there is correlation with the type of the drugs that I learned in a few modules in Pharmacy course which can treat the disease that is related to the blood disorders. From this e-book, it helps the students to have a brief view on the mechanism of the drugs inside the body. In my opinion, this e-book is also useful for the students who learn hematology topics especially for the medical students.

4. Would you recommend this book to your colleagues and why?
Yes, definitely I will recommend this book to my colleagues. I found that the contents in this e-book are suitable and full of information to be used during PBL session. There is enough information regarding the components that are needed to be discussed during the PBL especially for the case that is caused by the physiology of blood problem for example anaemia, stroke and atrial fibrillation which are the common topics. It is also helps the students to visualize how the drugs that they learned in class, work inside the human bodies and understand better the causes that lead to drugs side effects.

Review by Ng Qi En
Click the book cover to access the e-book

1. What I like about the book?
What I like about the book is that the information covered in this book is clear and easy to understand. The information of each chapter is nicely arranged in a few subtopics to provide comprehensible explanation. Pictures attached are sufficient for better understanding. Another good point of this book is that it quoted from a variety of reliable sources. Not to forget that all the chapters in this e-book can be downloaded in PDF file so we can read it offline as long as we are registered at clinical key with our student email.

2. Brief content of the book.
This e-book covered a lot of topics about aesthetic dentistry, focusing on the technique and material used in practice. The materials covered are bonding agents, luting agents and bleaching agents. Besides, restorative techniques for composite and porcelain are explained in detail. The importance between aesthetic and a few subjects are described, for example, the relationship between aesthetic and implant, maxillofacial surgery, plastic surgery, oral pathology, dermatologic pharmaceutical, psychology, eating disorder, occlusion and more. In the most of the chapter, the history of each material and technique was described briefly so we can understand the transformation of aesthetic dentistry better.

3. Does it suit you or any other programs and why?

This book is suitable for all dentistry students from semester 4 onwards as it covered most of the topics in aesthetic field. This e-book will be even better for dental student in phase 2 because starting phase 2, students started to learn more about aesthetic dentistry and have to chance to practice it in the clinic. For students who take programme other than dentistry, this e-book might not be that relevant since aesthetic dentistry is a specialty in dentistry.

4. Would you recommend this book to your colleagues and why?
Yes, I would because this book is relevant to our syllabus. It contains the topics suitable for semester 4 students to semester 10 students. The vocabulary used is not too complicated but rather manageable in order to have full understanding of the book. Moreover, this book is an e-book which mean we can access to it anytime with electronic gadgets.

Review by Nur-Afifah Abdul Fatah
Click the book cover to access the e-book

1. What I like about the book?
This book is very detailed and helpful in explaining a lot of theoretical concepts in the subject of personality. Besides that, the words used in the book are mostly simple and direct, with the exception of several necessary technical terms. In spite of that, the book is still an easy reading material. Another thing that I like about this book is that it has quite a big number of examples provided alongside the paragraphs in order to allow the readers to further understand the matter of the subject being discussed. In addition to that, the examples given are appropriately placed and are very much helpful in allowing deeper comprehension. Furthermore, the chapters that had been included in the book are in line with the topics covered in the syllabus of Personality module. As such, as the book encompasses deeper subjects than in the module, it gives the readers opportunities to continue exploring the topics themselves and not to be restricted by the line drawn in the module guide.

2. Brief content of the book.
The book discusses about various topics in the subject of personality such as the evolutionary perspective of personality, developmental changes and stability in personality and factors that influence personality, namely genetics and environment. This book also discusses about the relationships between personality and a variety of variables, including religion, politics, sexuality and vocational interests. Besides that, numerous types of personality disorders are elaborated and explained further in the book, with its own specific chapter. In addition to that, mental abilities in humans are also reviewed in the book, as well as the influences of both mental abilities and personality traits in life outcomes.

3. Does it suit you or any other programs and why?
As stated above, this book uses simple and clear cut writing style, so it is very much suitable for anyone and everyone, no matter the courses they take. The additional knowledge encompassed in the book is very much interesting and fascinating enough to be read as a leisure reading material, regardless of the presence or absence of prior knowledge in this subject. On top of that, the chapters discussed in the book can be freely and thoroughly applied in daily lifestyles as personality is a major human trait, and the matters surrounding the topic are very much relevant to everyone, despite the age, educational background, and other demographic backgrounds.

4. Would you recommend this book to your colleagues and why?
I would very much recommend this book to my colleagues seeing that it helps a lot in giving a whole new perspective and a fresh outlook in the module Personality that we are taking in the program. The examples and comprehensive descriptions of every subtopics would be very much insightful and clarifying in understanding more of the things we have learnt or will learn in the module. Besides that, as the chapters in the book themselves are in accordance with the chapters listed in the module guide, having this book as an additional reading material would certainly be advantageous and beneficial.

Printed books (reviews are through i-loc):


Review by Tedd Denis
Click the book cover to read the review

Review by Teo Chun Yi
Click the book cover to read the review

Interested to review our Library books? If yes, you can click this link and follow the step-by-step instructions. 

Library Quiz Week 10

Dear all,

1)      Please scan the QR code below:

2)      Login to your e-learn portal.

3)      You will then go direct to the Library Quiz Week 10 questions.

Thank you and good luck!

Monday, 22 May 2017

Library Quiz Week 9

Dear all,

1)      Please scan the QR code below:

2)      Login to your e-learn portal.

3)      You will then go direct to the Library Quiz Week 9 questions.

Thank you and good luck!

Friday, 19 May 2017


Dear all,

Kindly be informed that IMU Library, Seremban Campus will be closed tomorrow (20th May 2017) due to building maintenance. Library operation will be resume as usual on Sunday, 21st May 2017.

Thank you.

Monday, 15 May 2017

Library Quiz Week 8

Dear all,

1)      Please scan the QR code below:

2)      Login to your e-learn portal.

3)      You will then go direct to the Library Quiz Week 8 questions.

Thank you and good luck!

Tuesday, 9 May 2017


Dear all,

Please be informed that IMU Library will be closed from 7:00 pm on 9/5/2017 (Tuesday) in conjunction with Wesak Day. Library operation will resume as usual from 11/5/2017 (Thursday) onwards.

Thank you.

Monday, 8 May 2017

Library Quiz Week 7

Dear all,

1)      Please scan the QR code below:

2)      Login to your e-learn portal.

3)      You will then go direct to the Library Quiz Week 7 questions.

Thank you and good luck!

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Library 1st Mini Engaging Day 2017 - Photos and List of Winners

Photos and list of winners from IMU Library 1st Mini Engaging Day 2017 that was held on 12th April 2017 at Bukit Jalil.

More photos here

On behalf of the Library team, we would like to say thank you for your participation.

Once again, congratulations!