Thursday, 30 April 2015

LIBRARY CLOSED – 1/5/2015 – 4/5/2015

Dear all,

Please be informed that Library will be closed on 1/5/2015 (Friday) until 4/5/2015 (Monday) in conjunction with Labour and Wesak Days. Library operation will resume as usual from 5/5/2014 (Tuesday) onwards.

Thank you.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Library Team In Action - Upgrading SK Laloh & Karangan Libraries, Kuala Krai, Kelantan

Photos taken during the two days (18th and 19th April 2015) IMU Cares  project at SK Laloh and Karangan Libraries, Kuala Krai, Kelantan.

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Click here for more photos.

IMU Cares - Upgrading SK Karangan Library Kuala Krai, Kelantan by IMU Library

Other than SK Laloh, the Library team consist of 4 Library staff (1 Librarian, 2 Library Officers and 1 internship student) also upgraded SK Karangan school Library on 18th and 19th April 2015. The Library team's task was to upgrade the school Library including installing a Library system.

The team also reorganized the physical arrangement and collections of the Library. Some of the upgrades and trainings conducted by IMU Library during the two days were:

i. Installed KOHA Library system.
ii. Conducted training in using KOHA Library system.
iii. Rearranged Library shelves.
iv. Reorganized Library books according to DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification).
v. Rearranged Library furniture (for conducive learning environment).

Below, photos (before and after transformation) from the two days:

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Click here for more photos.

IMU Cares..

So does IMU Library!!!

IMU Cares - Upgrading SK Laloh Library Kuala Krai, Kelantan by IMU Library

On 18th and 19th April 2015, the Library team consist of 5 Library staff (3 Librarians, 1 Library Officer and 1 Library Assistant) participated in the IMU Cares project that was held at SK Laloh, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. The Library team's task was to upgrade the school Library including installing a Library system.

The team also reorganized the physical arrangement and collections of the Library. Some of the upgrades and trainings conducted by IMU Library during the two days were:

i. Installed KOHA Library system.
ii. Conducted training in using KOHA Library system.
iii. Rearranged Library shelves.
iv. Reorganized Library books according to DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification).
v. Rearranged Library furniture (for conducive learning environment).

Below, photos (before and after transformation) from the two days:

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Click here for more photos.

IMU Cares..

So does IMU Library!!!