Friday, 23 May 2014

Invitation for Talk Session - Using BMJ Best Practice

Dear All,

You are invited to attend a talk session, conducted by Dr. Lim Chooi Ling from Human Bio, Cell & Molecules department on “Using BMJ Best Practice”. Details as follow:

Date: 28/5/2014 (Wednesday)
Time: 1:00PM – 2:00PM
Location: Library computer area (inside Library, Collaborative Study Area)

Here is screenshot of the platform. It is accessible from our Library portal

Thank you.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Library Mini Engaging Day - 27th May 2014

Dear all,

Please come and join us in our Library Mini Engaging Day next Tuesday.

Attractive prizes awaits you!

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Friday, 16 May 2014

Scopus on trial

Dear all,

Pleased to inform you that Scopus database is currently available on trial until 13th July 2014. Please log in to the IMU Library Portal and click the Trials Tab.

 Below are some of the Scopus Online Tutorial & Materials which will help you virtually:

-       Online Tutorial – Scopus (Powered by Elsevier TrainingDesk)

-       Elsevier Journal Finder (First Step is finding the right Elsevier Journal for your paper)

-       Elsevier Publishing Connect (How to increase your chance to get published in a highly impacted journal)

Thank you.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Nursing Books and Posters Exhibition

Dear All,

Nursing is indeed a noble profession and the nurses are the key person helping the doctors when we seek  treatment. In order to support the nurses become a more vital resource for health, IMU Library is organizing "Nursing Books & Posters Exhibition" at the Library Lobby (in front of Reserve Collection Area) in conjunction with International Nurses Day on 12th May 2014.

The exhibition focuses on newly purchased Nursing books and e-resources subscribed by the Library. There are also a Step-By-Step guide posters on how to use the Nursing e-resources prepared by our students domain experts.

Do come and visit our books and posters displays.

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Monday, 12 May 2014

LIBRARY CLOSED – 13/5/2014

Dear all,

Please be informed that Library will be closed on 13/5/2014 (Tuesday) in conjunction with Wesak Day. Library operation will resume as usual starting from 14/5/2014 (Wednesday) onwards.

Thank you.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Access Physiotherapy and Access Pediatrics on Trials

Dear all,

Please be informed that we have added 2 new databases on trials, i.e. Access Physiotherapy (24 e-books) and Access Pediatrics (23 e-books) and they are accessible for free until 5th June 2014.

Please visit the library portal ( and click Trials tab.

Kindly note that these databases not only provide e-books but there are also topical multimedia, drugs information, case files (case studies that can be used for PBL), many other features.

Thank you.