Friday, 14 February 2014

From PubMed to full text articles

Here, we will show you how you can actually use PubMed and later retrieve full text articles from Science Direct; one of IMU's subscribed databases. Science Direct is a database, published by Elsevier, one of the world's leading publishers. Below, together with diagrams and explanations, you will get a better idea on how to retrieve an article:
Image 1: Example of article from PubMed.

As you can see above, there is no free full text button in retrieving the article from PubMed, but through the explanations below, you can actually retrieve details of the article and its journal.

1: Article title.
2: Journal title and its publication which includes year published, volume and issue no.
3: You can identify the journal publisher through its logo (sometimes not applicable through PubMed).
4: Click journal to view additional details of the journal.
5: Click NLM Catalog to proceed viewing step 4.

Image 2: Additional details of the journal.

6: Publisher of the journal, which in this case; Elsevier.
7: The full journal title.
8: Location of the journal in the publisher's database. Example: Science Direct, Ovid and SpringerLink. Sometimes, these links are not applicable through PubMed.

Image 3: Library portal.

After you have identified publisher of the journal, the next step is to identify the database in which the article is retrievable. Here is example of publishers and their databases:

Wolters Kluwer: Ovid
Springer: SpringerLink

Next is to retrieve the article through the publisher's database in Library portal. Login into the database through Library portal is crucial as missing this step will eventually lead you not being able to retrieve the article.

9: Go to Library portal:
10: Bring cursor to e-Journals and select the database; Science Direct

Image 4: EzProxy ID and Password.

Each of IMU student and staff has been designated with individual EzProxy ID and password. These are actually the same as IMU PC login ID and password (how you login into IMU PC in IMU). If you have difficulties login into your EzProxy account, please contact IMU Helpdesk

11: Enter IMU EzProxy ID and pasword.
12: Click Login button.

Image 5: Science Direct database

In order to fully utilize Science Direct database, it is advisable to register your own individual account. You will be able to keep record of your searches after login into your account.

13: Register / Login into Science Direct database.
14: Type the full journal title in the journal search box. The full journal title is available from PubMed itself (refer to step no. 7)
15: Insert publication details; volume, issue and page number (refer to step no. 2)
16: Click Search button.

Image 6: Retrieving article

The next page will direct you to the article. You can also add the article reference into blibliography tools such as RefWorks (which IMU subscribed) and Mendeley.

17: To view article online, click article title.
18: To download article, click PDF icon.

Retrieving articles from databases is actually easy. The trick is:

"identify the publisher and which database to access"

or remember this:

"you wanted information regarding a BMW car, but instead you went into Mercedes website"

Of course for the above, you will not find what you are looking for since you are browsing into the wrong website, which in retrieving articles, you are browsing into the wrong database. Only accessing the correct database will lead you to the desire article.

Do email IMU Reference Librarian if you face any difficulties obtaining any articles.

Good luck!

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Library Quiz - Final Session

Dear all,

Please be informed that the Final Session for Library Quiz 2013 is now back. We regret that we made you waited so long to reach the Final Stage. Do not get hurt, be happy and ready to gallop now.

Please visit e-learning portal link:
You need to click Enrol Me to enable you access the Quiz.

Please do not hesitate to contact any of the Librarians or Pn. Zabibah at E-Learning should you face any difficulties.

Good luck.

Databases i-Lectures

Dear all,                      

Please be informed that the library is making and will continuously make  every effort to help you fully utilise the e-resources we subscribed or purchased.
If you noticed, we have been conducting the Information Literacy classes for all students since November 2010 and we introduced Peers Sharing session by students for students in the evening since 2012 and also Peers Sharing session by Faculty for Faculty during lunch hour since Mid 2013.

In 2013 also, we have added an e-guide [marked with (i)] at the end of the link of most databases we have in the library portal. This is to guide you virtually to swim in the ocean of the resources, as we do not want you to get frustrated and suffocate for not able to obtain the resources you wanted.

As we gallop into 2014, we are now providing you with an i-lecture for some of the databases. We would like you to go through the i-lectures for the following e-resources to help you understand the Search Strategy, hence obtain  the resources you wanted:

1) Clinical Key
2) Ovid
3) Ebscohost
4) Primal Picture
5) Science Direct

Below is the sample to explain the i-lecture further:
 photo announcement_zpsea078745.jpg

Below is the screenshot sample of one of the i-Lectures (Clinical Key):
 photo announcement2_zps1587c5ce.jpg

There are more i-lectures in the making and for time being, please bear with us.

Last but not least, please do not hesitate to contact any of the Librarians at IMU and we are committed to provide our best services to serve your learning, teaching and research need.

Thank you.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Library Stock Take 2014 (29/1/2014 - 3/2/2014)

While students were enjoying their CNY holidays, we were enjoying doing our stock take :)

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More photos are available through our Photobucket page here.